My Life

By 10:01 AM


After so long, barulah tergerak hati nak tulis blog semula.

My life for these past 3 years mcm roller coaster, it's like kejap kat atas lepas tu eh cepat dh kat bawah .... sedar tak sedar kat atas balik...

Complaint? always! Perasaan tu macam orang gila.. tak berserah, sombong sangat dengan Tuhan. Sigh.... if only i can turn back the clock cliche 

He made a lot of mistake, so do I. No one is perfect..

but Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Allah is always there for you despite you remember Him or not. Thank you Allah... Now I'm my way to the right path.. to be a better Ummah, better Wife, Daughter, Sister InsyaAllah.

Till then. 


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